• the sea
    a natural wellness space

It is well known that seawater with its gentle wave motion and optimum concentration of mineral salts, such as iodine, calcium and sodium chloride, brings undoubted benefits with regard to muscular rigidity as well as assisting motor skills’ rehabilitation. The salts present in seawater, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, nitrogen and fluoride, sulphur are good for skin, bones and joints. Thanks to their toning and mineral action, the body is able to absorb them through respiration and the skin.

The pressure exercised by the water produces a healthy ‘massage effect’, which improves microcirculation and the workings of the lymphatic system, encouraging liquids to drain; therefore, a walk through water up to your thighs helps to tone legs and reduce cellulite and varicose veins.
Swimming in seawater is an enjoyable way to burn off calories and return to good physical shape.
A dip in the sea is extremely beneficial too if you suffer from sinusitis or respiratory allergies.

Sand too has its uses; stretching out on the sand without a beach towel helps the skin absorb sea salts, and the organic remains of seaweed and other minerals present in the grains of sand.
The sand, warmed by the sun, is a panacea for rheumatism and arthritis sufferers; covering yourself with warm sand for at least 20 minutes a day is an excellent remedy.
Walking along wet sand helps to get rid of corns and hard skin, and also to reacquire a correct walking posture.
The abundant perspiration provoked by the sauna, elimanates around a litter of water and cleans to fund the sikn, removing impurity and toxic substances. Tha sauna is practicable in every period of the year. The beneficent effects of the sauna also intevene on heart, on the circulation, on the skin and on the respiration and they improve the resistance to the infections, what sinusitises, colds and influences.

€ 8.00 per person
The foot is recognized from millenia as chosen center, even if not only, of reflected zones, that is in narrow connection with the other parts of the body. Through the foot reflex massage, a technique of massage in which the thumbs are used , is exclusively possible to intervene on some points of the foot to re-establish lost equilibriums, to prevent and to take care of many troubles and to maintain the comfort.

Time 20 min. € 30.00
The Shiatsu is a Japanese art based on the contact and pressure of hands in order to release the energy of the body.
Shiatsu works on the energy system of the body through energy pathways called meridians, so as to bring balance and harmony in mental, emotional and spiritual terms.
To release tension and remove daily life stress.

Time 50 min. € 40.00
The aromatherapy, that has ancient origins, pursues the armony of body, mind and spirit, resulting, for example, one of the more effective natural methods to assuage the troubles caused to the stress. It consists on the use of the essential oils extracted by trees, flowers and bushes that have an unique peculiar chemical composition. The therapeutic effect of the essential oils is exploited by the aromatic
massage both to the inhalation and through the absorption of the skin.

Time 40-50 min. € 45.00